Saturday, August 25, 2007

C.U.I* - 8 months (Part 2)

I went for another check up this month, and things seem to be in order. The baby is fine and I am too, good stable blood pressure, the baby's heart beat is strong. The size of the baby is acceptable and nothing alarming .. anymore, Praise God for that!!
The baby might be a little late says the midwife according to my menstrual cycle, (I'm sure my Mom is glad for that! She wants the baby to be a Libra.) about two weeks or so .. of course she's not predicting anything, but she says could possibly be.
My iron count is good, before I was on my way to being an anemic but thanks to people's prayers for me and a conscious effort on my part to remember to take my iron supplements and to eat food with Iron, I am doing good compared to my last visit and I feel stronger as well.
People tell me different things about the sex of the baby, some people say it's going to be a boy and other people tell me it's going to be a girl, I haven't gone for an ultra sound so I really don't know, but no worries, I'll know soon enough and there are other things to be excited about and look forward to; my Mom's coming here for instance, she needs to raise 30,000 Euros for health insurance for her to be able to come down here for .. well, I'm not sure for how long. But still, it's exciting to see how the Lord will do the miracle of supplying the funds that she needs. (Your prayers are welcome for this situation, BTW.) And there's also my Popsi coming to visit along with my Oma & (only) Aunt from my Dad's side, not sure if there are any other people coming from my rellies in Holland. Oh well, I guess we'll see!
*C.U.I = Check Up Info