Saturday, June 9, 2007

Night Walk in the Parks

The story begins with a trip to Iceland, where we did many things ... one of them was to test the playground equipment in every single park in our wee neighborhood to see if it was kid proof. Me being pregnant, I had to ask some of my dear friends to help me try out some of the rides, (this was a historical event) others I was able to manage.

Yep! The swing seems sturdy.

Hmmm, do you think he/she/they could get stuck in here?

This slide seems a bit tacky.

"I think the trick is to try to hang on .. I'm sure they'll manage fine."

Uhh .. Houston, we have a problem. The swings don't have backs on them! If your child should ever tire on the swing .. well, need I say more?

Awww bless!

On the same night ...

I got to meet the exclusive impersonater of Jonny Bravo ... ever so smashing! sigh ...

.. and was rescued in a dramatic theatrical play by my very own love!
(The play was inspired by the statue in the back ground, if you can't make it out, then just picture Jonny as the knight, me as the damsel, and Lisa as the dragon that was just slain by the Knight.)

And so concludes our lovely walk in the parks.